Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Gizelle's update last of her 6th month and all of the 7th

My gosh I've been so busy these last two months I haven't had a chance to post an update on my Gizelle. So much has happened I decided to go back to work which at first was very hard since I had to leave my baby but it's getting better and I'm so glad she still sees me as #1 in her life, I was worried she would become distant towards me.

As soon as she turned 6 months she started to crawl on all fours. She's growing up so fast I can't believe how much she has accomplished. Today April 27, 2011 she turned 8 mths and already she's crawling at a fast pace, she stands up on her wittle feet and takes small steps already (of course while she holds on to something) but it's still amazing to see her doing things for herself. She looks so cute because she's still very tiny and already taking steps. Here is a video of one of her first crawls .


Getting herself in trouble......