Saturday, January 29, 2011

5 month update on baby & I

Gizelle is now 5 months old, I cannot believe how fast she is growing! here is her update and a few pics of her last month as a 4month old.

She is now drinking 4 oz every 3 hours and can now hold her own bottle

She plays with her hands & feet and loves to explore her surrondings by touching, pulling, grasping, and slapping things..... so cute

She can now roll onto her tummy and makes swimming movements which she moves that way it takes her a while but she moves from one side to the other she can no longer be left unattended not even for a few minutes.

She is now babbling a lot more she chuckles, giggles, laughs at random things like when I wear my hair in a pony tail haha

She has outgrown her baby bouncer and swing now therefore all she wants is to be on her bounce-a-bout or in the arms of her mother!!! I'm thinking of buying her the bumbo baby seat so she can just sit there when she's tired of bouncing. She's able to sit up but not for long she'll usually tumble to the side
She's getting so big in a few weeks we will begin introducing solid foods to her. I don't know if I should be happy that she's doing really good and is healthy or sad because she's no longer a newborn baby. She has outgrown a lot of clothes and I've had to remove a lot of them from her little closet already. I'll be posting another post soon about how I keep her baby stuff & clothes organized and how I get rid of the small sizes and add new sizes.

She can now read!!!! Ha just kidding but she can hold her book up and enjoys looking at pictures from the books.

As for my post-pregnancy body well hmmmmmm it still needs a lot of work done. I have 20 lbs that I need to loose still to be at my pre-pregnancy weight and additional 10 lbs to be at my desire weight. It's a slow process but it's all my fault, I have not been very consistent on my workouts or diets. I promise to begin on Monday again haha

I still do have the "linea nigra" latin for black line or as doctors call it. It's fading away but I can still see it. I'm also very very happy I had a lot of stretch marks on my thighs and guess what they are almost gone. I had none in my belly thank God but I did get some on my waist which are fading away but are still very visible I'm just hoping they will all fade!! My hormones are still up and down. I no longer produce breast milk :( I stopped breast feeding at 2 months and that was because Gizelle would not latch and I was not producing enough for her. These past two months I still had some breastmilk but now it's completely gone. I still see the pregnancy glow in my face and my nails and hair are still growing rapidly I'm assuming it's the hormones in my body still and all vitamins I was taking. I'm still taking the pre-natal vitamins just because they have a lot of vitamins that I know I need and just in case baby #2 decides to come!!! HAA

Monday, January 24, 2011


Today daddy purchased Gizelle a pink bounce-a-bout activity center since she has been moving a lot and hates to be seated or lay down so this is perfect for her and hopefully I'll be able to get more things done. She is also now reaching towards everything that comes in her sight with her little tiny fingers so cute how she wiggles them. She can barely touch the bottom so she stands on her little tippy toes and is able to move from side to side not quite the whole 360 but she's getting there. I love the colors and it's so girlie since most activity centers are unisex and have blue, green, red, and purple. I'm so glad we found something that's for little girls
Here is daddy putting things together!!
 Here she is with her hands full hahaa

 She's always smilling I love that about her
She doesn't know which gadget to grab on to haha

she pulled her feet up I couldn't take one on her tippy toes it's like she knew I wanted a picture like that!
& of course she believes she should have a little taste of everything!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Baby Blues or PPD

It will be close to 5 months now since I gave birth to my baby girl and I still feel a little wacko!! I have a loving and supportive husband, a beautiful beautiful daughter that I am in love with but why am I not completely happy? What is missing? What is going on in my body?  Why can't I sleep if my baby is now sleeping 5-6 hours straight!

I keep having crying episodes and they are all for random senseless reasons! Like today I was trying to pull out a jacket from the back of my closet and when I pulled it out half of the rack fell!  I was so angry furious about it! I threw a lil tantrum kicking shoes on the floor, tossing clothes all over, clenching my teeth, and of course crying!! I was in such a rage and over a jacket! Seriously who does that? This crazy woman here!! Omg now I feel so stupid and I can't believe I made an even bigger mess over a stupid jacket! Then later that night I cried again because I ate a hot dog!!! What in the world is going on? Over a hot dog? I felt really guilty for eating junk! And lately my appetite has increased all I wanna do is eat eat eat which just makes me be mad at myself! I feel irritable and I'm assuming it's because of all the junk I stuff my face with!! I don't want to talk to no one about it, not even my husband as supportive as he may be he wouldn't understand! I'm a girl I'm just supposed to be emotional and sentimental right??!! No one really understands what I'm going through just like every pregnancy is different every postpartum is also different!

So stop eating junk then, get your butt to the gym, and make yourself happy right??  Well it's not that easy! I know my body is still changing and I'm still adapting to motherhood! I know my hormone levels are dropping and are pretty high still (which may be the reason why I snap and become a witch sometimes) but why me? How many other mothers go through something similar to this? I was gonna keep quiet but I'm still crying over the hot dog issue and have so many emotions right now that I need to vent somehow!

I blame myself! I supposed I'm weak to let little things get to me, I feel hopeless, I have a low self-esteem!! DEPRESSION?? Seriously? That's for the weak!!

Am I? I cant be! I'm happy also I don't cry over food every day and I still manage to smile and laugh with my family! I enjoy time alone with my baby, and enjoy time off from her to spend time with my husband! I enjoy time when it's just the three of us! I don't neglect my baby or family! I still wake up every morning and maintain a good body hygiene (I read that when people are depressed they lack body hygiene eww I know but only they know what they are going through, also they spend all day in bed and avoid social outings) I do not fit that description! I am out the door with every chance I get. I have my crying episodes every once in a while and they last about 15-20 mins and soon after that I'm up and about smiling like nothing happened, therefore if it's not depression then what is it? I'm crazy?? Shut up!! LOL it cant be the baby blues since they last just a few weeks after child birth so that's off my list!!

I feel a little better after writing this! Being a mother is seriously not an easy task as I thought it would be! Some mothers are lucky to have babies that are mellow and give no trouble at all! (just to make it clear I do not regret my daughter I love her dearly) the problem is ME! My emotions and stupid hormones are at it's peak and are getting the best of me. I simply need to work on my self-esteem I guess! Suggestions anyone? I'm hardheaded and stubborn but I still wanna hear them!

Big  sighhhhh of relief!!! Thanks for reading this far!

Love one crazy lil woman ha 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Chores as exercise??

I wasn't sure if I was going be able to make it to the gym today and since I had a few house chores to do, I decided to turn them into an exercise! (hey every little exercise counts) First I bathe my daughter and did 3 sets of 15 reps of squats! (She was looking at me funny while I did it hahaa). She always naps for about an hour after her bath so I knew I had an hour to finish my chores and exercise. Giving myself a time limit really helped me finish chores faster and I had to keep my pace up which helps me burn more calories. I cleaned the bathroom making sure I moved a lot,  I mop the floor with a towel and dried it with a towel instead of using the mop. I moved on to the room and while dusting I did calf raises (boy those burned), I swept the room instead of vacuuming (I started sweating with that one). Baby woke up a little earlier than usual so I only got about 40 mins of exercise but something is something.

By the way I did make it to the gym this evening, I almost didn't though one of my girlfriends ask my husband and I to join her and friend for dinner at Wing Stop. I was so tempted I really wanted some wings (nomm nom nom) and I wanted to hang out with friends but seriously I won't get any results by doing that and summer is right around the corner I won't be able to hide my "baby fat" with jackets/coats and big blouses with the heat and sun shinning on me all day besides I wouldn't want to. I want to enjoy summer and feel good in my skin. I did 60min of hip hop/tease dance and 30min on the ttreadmill. I feel GOOD!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Wow! What a workout that was! I will definitely be sored tomorrow. I did the bodypump class at 24hr fitness today it's a 60min weight lifting training class that works out all the major muscles in the body like, legs, chest, back, triceps, biceps, shoulders, abdominals. It was very challenging but I got through it and felt very proud of myself. It was a great workout, see I don't really sweat much even while using the cardio machines, but today I had sweat literally dripping down my face I had to put down my barbell to wipe the sweat off. It tickled while it ran down my face eww gross I know but I'm glad I was able to burn off some calories. I'm planning on doing this class 2-3 times a week I can't wait to see results.

Sleep like a baby!!

I decided to change the title of my blog since I will not only be blogging about loosing "baby fat" but I'll be blogging about my life in general.

Today I wanted to blog about my lil angel Gizelle! After giving her a bath she took a nice little nap and I just couldn't stop looking at her and you know sometimes I just cant believe I'm a mother. How I (and of course with the help of my husband) were able to give life to a beautiful baby girl it's such an amazing feeling. Everyday she's changing and growing even the way she breathes and drools as she sleeps  is different! This week she mastered a new skill, rolling over onto her tummy and she's working really hard on crawling. Her upper body muscles seem to be strong enough already but she's still having a little trouble with her lower body. She looks sooo cute she reminds me of a caterpillar haha. She also just started scratching!!! Yes scratching like I got an itch scratching haha  :) it's so cute she'll scratch her head, her ear, her bottle, anything she can put her hands on! She does it while she sleeps and I read somewhere that babies actually practice new skills while they sleep and I noticed that today she would scratch the bed softly, which at first seemed odd to me now it makes sense. She seemed so peaceful as she slept (big sigh) I wonder what she dreams about!!

Here she is sleeping like a baby!

She only sleeps on her belly under my supervision to avoid the risk of SIDS

^ believe it or not her pants are size 3-6mths
& they fit her short as you can see haha but it's because she's pretty big in length

Here she is waking up from her nap

& these are just pics of the skills she has mastered! I love the one with the foot in the mouth haha too cute

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sushi for lunch

I met up with Jana for lunch today she's my employer from Estea Laser & Cosmetic Center we met at Octopus Japanese Restaurant in Long Beach! She wanted to discuss my decision on not returning to work after my pregnancy she has always made it a fact that I'm one of her best employees and I truly believe I am. My work speaks for itself! I care and take my job seriously, regardless of the company I take it as if it was my own business and I do my best to make the cash flow rise! Which they have noticed, however with the salary rate that I am at, it's just not what I believe I'm worth. Besides I want to focus in school now and unless I were to be given a good raise then I would consider returning and only as part time. I can no longer do full time, it would be very difficult to do school full time, work full time, house duties, and spend time with my baby! I believe I got my priorities straight I hope so!!! What do you think?

Anyways Jana and I have become more than just employer and employee, now that I am out of work I see her more as a friend and someone I respect a lot for all the challenges she has been able to surpass coming to the US. She's from the Czech Republic and I won't go into too much detail about her life, but she came to the US to follow what we call "The American Dream" she has learned the language, adapted to our society, got her degree as an RN while being a single mother, and now she's very successful and I truly admire her for everything she has done and how witty she is! She's also a Capricorn I'm not really a big believer in astrology but for some reason most of my good friends are Capricorns like I am!! coincidence??? I forgot to take pictures to post but here is one of the restaurant! we were seated at the far left! Food was delicious I really wish I had taken pictures to post! We shared the following seared garlic tuna, mackerel, spicy albacore, peppered seared tuna sashimi, japanese scallop, striped bass, and my favorite rainbow!! I love sushi it's so delicious! Highly recommend this restaurant for the sushi and prices are reasonable, the ambiance however is not that great actually there is barely anyone there keep in mind it was during lunch time which should be the rush hour! Last time I was here was on a Sunday night and it was also pretty empty!!


Oh gosh thank God she was treating because I didn't realized I had left my wallet at home I didn't realize that until I was trying to leave the parking structure and had no money to pay with! I had to call my husband he works a few blocks away from the restaurant to bring me money haha he's my superman he's always a step away and ready to save me!! I would call myself superwoman but I haven't done anything "SUPER" lately ha! You know what? now that I think about it I was not carded OMG I look old nooooo!! I'm offended! ughh I'm definitely exfoliating tonight haaa

Leave your comments!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Year 2011 & 25th birthday

Happy New Year 2011!!! I have so many aspirations and goals that I'm afraid I'll become overwhelmed & won't accomplished any, so I've decided to stick with two. First off I gained 6 lbs over the holidays Ughhhhh I'm kicking myself for that one!!! Therefore losing weight is definitely # 1. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!!! I know self discipline and determination is key to losing weight but I just seem to always give into greasy junk food. So I started going to the gym, today will be my 3rd day going. My body is aching but that means it's working right?  I just need to keep myself motivated and continue going at least 3-4 times a week. Second goal is to complete minimum 9 units in school. I'm not working at the moment so I want to take advantage of the time to study and take in more classes. My hubby is the best he knows I want to finish school and take care of our baby girl (I have trust issues when it comes to someone else taking care of her) and so he supports me in everything I choose to do!!

Saturday Jan. 8th was my 25th birthday! I spent it with my hubby & friends. Started my day with my husband taking me on a shopping spree. He's definitely the BEST! Later that evening we had dinner at the Yardhouse with a few friends of ours after dinner hubby & I met up with a good friend of mine Ruben and his date we went to the laugh factory which by the way is hilarious I had such a great time there I cant wait to go again. After the show we met up with a few other friends at Shannon's Pub where we hanged out and took one too many shots but it was my birthday so I said what the heck!!! Cheers