She is now drinking 4 oz every 3 hours and can now hold her own bottle
She plays with her hands & feet and loves to explore her surrondings by touching, pulling, grasping, and slapping things..... so cute
She can now roll onto her tummy and makes swimming movements which she moves that way it takes her a while but she moves from one side to the other she can no longer be left unattended not even for a few minutes.
She is now babbling a lot more she chuckles, giggles, laughs at random things like when I wear my hair in a pony tail haha
She has outgrown her baby bouncer and swing now therefore all she wants is to be on her bounce-a-bout or in the arms of her mother!!! I'm thinking of buying her the bumbo baby seat so she can just sit there when she's tired of bouncing. She's able to sit up but not for long she'll usually tumble to the side
She's getting so big in a few weeks we will begin introducing solid foods to her. I don't know if I should be happy that she's doing really good and is healthy or sad because she's no longer a newborn baby. She has outgrown a lot of clothes and I've had to remove a lot of them from her little closet already. I'll be posting another post soon about how I keep her baby stuff & clothes organized and how I get rid of the small sizes and add new sizes.
She can now read!!!! Ha just kidding but she can hold her book up and enjoys looking at pictures from the books.
As for my post-pregnancy body well hmmmmmm it still needs a lot of work done. I have 20 lbs that I need to loose still to be at my pre-pregnancy weight and additional 10 lbs to be at my desire weight. It's a slow process but it's all my fault, I have not been very consistent on my workouts or diets. I promise to begin on Monday again haha
I still do have the "linea nigra" latin for black line or as doctors call it. It's fading away but I can still see it. I'm also very very happy I had a lot of stretch marks on my thighs and guess what they are almost gone. I had none in my belly thank God but I did get some on my waist which are fading away but are still very visible I'm just hoping they will all fade!! My hormones are still up and down. I no longer produce breast milk :( I stopped breast feeding at 2 months and that was because Gizelle would not latch and I was not producing enough for her. These past two months I still had some breastmilk but now it's completely gone. I still see the pregnancy glow in my face and my nails and hair are still growing rapidly I'm assuming it's the hormones in my body still and all vitamins I was taking. I'm still taking the pre-natal vitamins just because they have a lot of vitamins that I know I need and just in case baby #2 decides to come!!! HAA
awesome post! im looking forward to read and see how you keep/organize Gizelle's clothes :)