Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Chores as exercise??

I wasn't sure if I was going be able to make it to the gym today and since I had a few house chores to do, I decided to turn them into an exercise! (hey every little exercise counts) First I bathe my daughter and did 3 sets of 15 reps of squats! (She was looking at me funny while I did it hahaa). She always naps for about an hour after her bath so I knew I had an hour to finish my chores and exercise. Giving myself a time limit really helped me finish chores faster and I had to keep my pace up which helps me burn more calories. I cleaned the bathroom making sure I moved a lot,  I mop the floor with a towel and dried it with a towel instead of using the mop. I moved on to the room and while dusting I did calf raises (boy those burned), I swept the room instead of vacuuming (I started sweating with that one). Baby woke up a little earlier than usual so I only got about 40 mins of exercise but something is something.

By the way I did make it to the gym this evening, I almost didn't though one of my girlfriends ask my husband and I to join her and friend for dinner at Wing Stop. I was so tempted I really wanted some wings (nomm nom nom) and I wanted to hang out with friends but seriously I won't get any results by doing that and summer is right around the corner I won't be able to hide my "baby fat" with jackets/coats and big blouses with the heat and sun shinning on me all day besides I wouldn't want to. I want to enjoy summer and feel good in my skin. I did 60min of hip hop/tease dance and 30min on the ttreadmill. I feel GOOD!

1 comment:

  1. those are great ideas to work out at home while doing chores!!! omg im so doing this!
